Les Merveilles de la science ou description populaire des inventions modernes
https://fr.wikisource.org/wiki/Les_Merveilles_de_la_science [fr.wikisource.org]
2025-03-14 22:26
tag: archive
Les Merveilles de la science ou description populaire des inventions modernes
https://fr.wikisource.org/wiki/Les_Merveilles_de_la_science [fr.wikisource.org]
2025-03-14 22:26
A Digital Archive of the Art of the Sanborn Fire Maps
https://sanbornfiremaps.com/ [sanbornfiremaps.com]
2025-01-04 07:24
This website is a free archive dedicated exclusively to creating a one-stop shop for all the incredible typography and art of the Sanborn maps. It includes almost 3,500 unique decorative titles, all drawn before 1923. While large portions of the original maps have been digitized and archived in various places both online and offline, there has never been a comprehensive collection of all of the decorative titles from the Sanborn maps.
source: DF
Malofiej 28 visualization awards
https://www.malofiejgraphics.com/2020/08/general/list-award/ [www.malofiejgraphics.com]
2020-08-05 00:53
In this edition, 162 media outlets from 34 different countries have sent in their works. Of the 1,000 entries in the competition, 400 correspond to printed graphics categories and 600 to digital infographics categories. The jury gave a total of 170 medals, 17 gold, 65 silver and 87 bronze medals in printed and digital media. From the 170 medals awarded by the jury, 58 went to the printed category (5 gold medals, 18 silver and 35 bronze) and 112 went to the online category (12 gold medals, 47 silver and 52 bronze).
source: K
ISO Isolation
https://kottke.org/20/07/iso-isolation [kottke.org]
2020-07-14 00:33
Felicia Chiao’s illustrations depicting isolation, dissociation, and loneliness have taken on an added resonance during the pandemic.
source: K
Engineering and Technology History Wiki
https://ethw.org/Main_Page [ethw.org]
2020-05-17 03:46
The ETHW is not a “how-does-technology-work” site. The scope of the ETHW is historical; instead of focusing on the inner workings of technology, it aims to explain how the technology was developed, who were the major players involved, and what long term significance the technologies have. The ETHW is not only an encyclopedia of the history of technology, but it also contains a full range of materials that relate to the legacy of engineering, including personal accounts, documents, and multimedia objects. In that sense, it is a combination reference guide, blog, virtual archive, and on-line community.
https://jn3008.tumblr.com/ [jn3008.tumblr.com]
2020-05-12 05:56
Animated optical illusions. These are very nice.
https://www.retronator.com/ [www.retronator.com]
2020-04-27 00:52
Pixel art.
David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
https://www.davidrumsey.com/ [www.davidrumsey.com]
2020-03-13 04:23
The David Rumsey Map Collection was started over 30 years ago and contains more than 150,000 maps. The collection focuses on rare 16th through 21st century maps of North and South America, as well as maps of the World, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Oceania. The collection includes atlases, wall maps, globes, school geographies, pocket maps, books of exploration, maritime charts, and a variety of cartographic materials including pocket, wall, children’s, and manuscript maps. Items range in date from about 1550 to the present.
This is fantastic.
OldNYC: Mapping Historical Photographs
https://www.oldnyc.org/ [www.oldnyc.org]
2020-02-12 01:41
The Pond and Plaza Hotel in 1933: https://www.oldnyc.org/#718363f-a
George III's collection of military maps
https://militarymaps.rct.uk/ [militarymaps.rct.uk]
2020-02-12 00:53
George III’s collection of military maps comprises some 3,000 maps, views and prints ranging from the disposition of Charles V’s armies at Vienna in 1532 to the Battle of Waterloo (1815).
Most notable among these are the military maps, prints and drawings collected by his uncle, William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland (1721–65), particularly during his period as Captain General of the British army during the War of the Austrian Succession (1743–8) and the Seven Years War (1756–63).
The second major collection, bought by George III in 1763, was that of the military prints collected by the Italian art patron, Cassiano dal Pozzo (1588–1657). In addition to these, George III acquired hundreds of maps of contemporary conflicts, such as the American War of Independence (1775–83), and the French and Napoleonic Wars (1792–1815).
Add a little Canada to your website
https://cira.ca/stock-images [cira.ca]
2019-12-30 23:28
2019 Illusion of the Year Finalists
http://illusionoftheyear.com/cat/top-10-finalists/2019/ [illusionoftheyear.com]
2019-12-16 07:24
10 short optical illusion videos.
source: HN
Book Cover Archive
http://bookcoverarchive.com/ [bookcoverarchive.com]
2019-11-11 00:17
Covers of books.
source: E
The 3 A.M. Phone Call
https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/nukevault/ebb371/ [nsarchive2.gwu.edu]
2019-11-10 01:34
It went to a national security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was awakened on 9 November 1979, to be told that the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), the combined U.S.–Canada military command–was reporting a Soviet missile attack. Just before Brzezinski was about to call President Carter, the NORAD warning turned out to be a false alarm. It was one of those moments in Cold War history when top officials believed they were facing the ultimate threat. The apparent cause? The routine testing of an overworked computer system.
source: grugq
2019 Photomicrography Competition
https://www.nikonsmallworld.com/galleries/2019-photomicrography-competition [www.nikonsmallworld.com]
2019-10-25 03:55
Winner: a tiny turtle!
source: K
USENIX Security '19 Technical Sessions
https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity19/technical-sessions [www.usenix.org]
2019-09-29 17:05
The full Proceedings published by USENIX for the conference are available for download below. Individual papers can also be downloaded from the presentation page.
2019 Pwnies Award Nominations
https://pwnies.com/nominations/ [pwnies.com]
2019-08-03 15:04
Shit happened. Mistakes were made.
Abstract Aerial Art
https://www.abstractaerialart.com/ [www.abstractaerialart.com]
2019-07-23 01:26
Taken from a top-down perspective, every aerial photograph we take is of a real place on our planet. We like to compose our images as artworks rather than traditional photographs. Other than slight colour and contrast enhancements none of our images are manipulated in any way. As we always say, “the point is not to work out what it is, but to show how weird and wonderful the world can look from above”.
Prints for sale, but free to look.
source: K
http://www.andrewdegraff.com/moviemaps [www.andrewdegraff.com]
2019-07-16 05:06
Movie plots, visualized.
source: K
Sex and Psychological Operations
http://www.psywarrior.com/sexandprop.html [www.psywarrior.com]
2019-06-11 22:29
Warning! These historical wartime images are sexually explicit.
Would it surprise you to know that all the major combatants involved in World War II used pornography as part of their psychological operations (PSYOP) strategy?
source: grugq