Omniroll []
2025-03-14 22:06
A wikipedia omniroll is a cylindrical food containing one layer of every item from the wikipedia article “list of rolled foods.”
tag: food
Omniroll []
2025-03-14 22:06
A wikipedia omniroll is a cylindrical food containing one layer of every item from the wikipedia article “list of rolled foods.”
The Surprising Importance of This Adorable Sea Turtle Dance []
2025-02-17 21:59
Growing evidence indicates that migratory animals exploit the magnetic field of the Earth for navigation, both as a compass to determine direction and as a map to determine geographical position. It has long been proposed that, to navigate using a magnetic map, animals must learn the magnetic coordinates of the destination, yet the pivotal hypothesis that animals can learn magnetic signatures of geographical areas has, to our knowledge, yet to be tested. Here we report that an iconic navigating species, the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta), can learn such information. When fed repeatedly in magnetic fields replicating those that exist in particular oceanic locations, juvenile turtles learned to distinguish magnetic fields in which they encountered food from magnetic fields that exist elsewhere, an ability that might underlie foraging site fidelity. Conditioned responses in this new magnetic map assay were unaffected by radiofrequency oscillating magnetic fields, a treatment expected to disrupt radical-pair-based chemical magnetoreception, suggesting that the magnetic map sense of the turtle does not rely on this mechanism. By contrast, orientation behaviour that required use of the magnetic compass was disrupted by radiofrequency oscillating magnetic fields. The findings provide evidence that two different mechanisms of magnetoreception underlie the magnetic map and magnetic compass in sea turtles.
Are tacos and burritos sandwiches? A judge in Indiana ruled yes. []
2024-05-16 17:49
The zoning policy for the property prohibits fast food, but allows exceptions for restaurants whose primary business is to sell “made-to-order” or Subway-style sandwiches. A city commission denied the request.
But Famous Taco, Bobay ruled, is allowed at the shopping center because it would serve “Mexican-style sandwiches,” and the zoning policy “does not restrict potential restaurants to only American cuisine-style sandwiches.” Hypothetically, other restaurants that serve made-to-order items, including “Greek gyros, Indian naan wraps or Vietnamese banh mi,” would also be allowed, Bobay wrote in his decision.
These People Are Responsible for the Cranberry Sauce You Love to Hate []
2023-11-23 03:50
And if we’re talking cranberries, we have to start with Ocean Spray’s canned, jellied cranberry sauce, that jiggly staple of the Thanksgiving table. Somehow this cylindrical blob of sweet, glistening, ruby tartness has become synonymous with America’s most gluttonous day. You know it and love it, unless you hate it, in which case you might use homemade sauce cooked with some of the trillion cranberries that the company’s owners grew. Either way, Ocean Spray wins.
The English vegetable picked by candlelight []
2023-07-30 18:07
A notoriously fickle vegetable to harvest, Yorkshire forced rhubarb is anything but easy to grow. It thrives in the county’s cold winters, but if the soil is too wet, it can’t be planted. If the temperature is too hot, it won’t grow; and 10 or more frosts are needed before a farmer can even think about forcing it. Only then can horticulturalists remove the heavy roots from the field, then clean and replant them inside the forcing sheds where photosynthesis is limited, encouraging glucose stored in the roots to stimulate growth. It demands patience, expertise and good fortune, and, ultimately, it is engineered for maximum taste: once deprived of light, the vegetable is forced to use the energy stored in its roots, making it far sweeter than the normal variety.
source: HN
The Men Of China Hill []
2022-12-30 23:23
By the time I got to Folsom Prison in 2007, there were no longer any fruit trees on China Hill, and it was covered with the knee-high grass typical of the Sierra Nevada foothills. The stories as to why inmate agriculture on China Hill was shut down vary and they depend upon the people telling the story.
A Grape Made of... Meat?? - Tissue Recellularization []
2022-04-10 00:18
Making a meat berry.
The Block-Barrel Spread Is Widening []
2021-04-18 18:17
The gap in price between a 40-pound block of fresh cheddar and a 500-pound barrel has widened steadily over the last two years. At the end of 2018, the average block-barrel spread hovered around $0.12. That’s well above the $0.07 average spread calculated for 2017 and triple the traditional $0.035 spread.
The Shocking Meltdown of Ample Hills — Brooklyn’s Hottest Ice Cream Company []
2021-02-05 02:51
They had $19 million, a deal with Disney, and dreams of becoming the next Ben & Jerry’s. Then everything fell apart.
source: ML
When It Comes to Octopuses, Taste Is for Suckers []
2020-11-02 04:10
Octopuses can taste what their arms touch, and scientists have figured out how.
Molecular Basis of Chemotactile Sensation in Octopus
How America Became Obsessed With ‘Food Lube’ []
2020-09-16 00:02
We’ve become a nation that relies on dips, sauces, and dressings to make everything taste better—or at least bolder. Where exactly does that end?
The lives upended around a $20 cheeseburger []
2020-07-08 09:36
A cash-strapped rancher, a virus-stricken meatpacker, an underpaid chef, a hungry engineer: The journey of a single burger during a pandemic
A bit dramatic, but a good look at the food supply chain.
How Apples Go Bad []
2020-06-11 17:45
Perhaps owing to these gonzo genetics, apples are remarkably susceptible to disease and rot. Their tender skin and light flesh are a haven for small creatures. Their trees embrace myriad molds, viruses, and fungi: apple scab, black pox, southern blight, union necrosis. For farmers and hobby gardeners, the business of apple-growing is not so much aiding the fruits in their growth as scrambling to ward off their demise. Blight spreads quickly, and it’s not always apparent on the fruit’s surface. Even without the influence of invader or infection, an apple abets its own spoilage: its skin, minutely porous, exhales ethylene, a gaseous compound that induces ripening, and the fruit has no interest in stopping at the point where it serves our needs.
source: DF
GE Filtergate []
2020-06-11 17:35
Greetings and salutations internet person! Have you ever pissed off a customer so much they bought a domain and stood up a website to shit on your asinine and boneheaded business practices? GE just did.
I just wanted a tall, cold, refreshing glass of water at 3am only to be greeted by a fucking atomic countdown on my trusty cold water and ice dispensing pal.
source: L
Cities are closing streets to make way for restaurants and pedestrians []
2020-05-25 18:31
The forced distancing required by the coronavirus prompted several cities to quickly close some public roads to make room so cooped-up residents anxious to get outside for exercise could do so safely.
Now, following moves to shut, narrow or repurpose streets from Oakland to Tampa, cities including Washington are seeking to understand how those emergency closures might have lasting impacts on some of urban America’s most important, and contested, real estate.
Fungal Lightning []
2020-05-09 03:24
“Japanese researchers are closing in on understanding why electrical storms have a positive influence on the growth of some fungi,” Physics World reported last month, with some interesting implications for agriculture.
Some cool pictures.
Point Of Saturation []
2020-02-28 22:11
75k - The number of restaurants around the world that use the Aloha point of sale system. Aloha is an industry stalwart that has managed to stay relevant while often still looking like it was designed in 1998.
Plus some NCR history.
SoftBank’s $375 Million Bet on Pizza Went Really Bad Really Fast []
2020-02-18 19:50
By the time Garden headed back down the driveway, he was well on his way to a SoftBank investment of $375 million, with double that money on the table if his business gained traction. But that’s not what happened. Instead, Zume marks one of the biggest recent disappointments in SoftBank’s portfolio. As of this year it no longer makes or delivers pizzas. In January, Zume cut 360 jobs, leaving a little over 300 employees, and said it would focus on packaging and efficiency gains for other food delivery companies.
Levine commentary:
Just, what a closed loop it is. You run a pizza delivery business. You craft a pitch calculated to convince Masayoshi Son that your pizza delivery business will change the world. You meet with Masayoshi Son. He convinces you that you will change the world. Now you are all believers, all in it together. He hands you piles of money. You go home and weep to your friends, “I am going to change the world.” The friends are like “wait what with the pizzas?” But it is too late for skepticism, you have the money, the robots are in the trucks, they are fanning out across town, the cheese is everywhere, they cannot turn back.
source: ML
The historical significance of the Burgermaster drive-in restaurant []
2020-01-16 03:36
In Windows 3.0, the data segment that recorded the locations of all the other data segments was named the BurgerMaster.
The Burgermaster restaurant was so important that Bill Gates’s secretary kept it on speed dial. In fact, it wasn’t just on speed dial for Bill Gates’s secretary. It was a company-wide speed dial number. You could call them to order a burger, walk next door, and your order would be ready and waiting for you.
Mistakes Were Made []
2020-01-15 17:52
Take the time to learn about ERP software, and it’s easy to realize small errors compound quickly. It might seem like we’re going to be dunking on SAP here, but as we previously noted during our recent dive into updates to NFL quarterback statistics, when you’re really, really good at something difficult, you’re allowed more errors than others. By any measure, SAP is a titan of logistics and widespread enough as to be vital to the world economy. So when they fail, they fail in ways that have some spectacular consequences.
Case in point: the Halloween without various Hershey’s candies.
However, when the SAP Hana system they were “upgrading” to took three years to get to operational use, Lidl dumped the project … after spending well more than half a billion dollars. The move was reported not through a lawsuit but a simple memo that explained “the strategic goals as originally defined by the project could not be achieved without the retailer having to spend more than it wanted.”
Oh well, we tried, thanks for the money!