The origins of XXX as FIXME []
2017-04-23 18:03
XXX is everywhere, but where did it come from?
source: bsdnow
source: bsdnow
The origins of XXX as FIXME []
2017-04-23 18:03
XXX is everywhere, but where did it come from?
source: bsdnow
The Story of the PING Program []
2017-04-23 18:00
Yes, it’s true! I’m the author of ping for UNIX. Ping is a little thousand-line hack that I wrote in an evening which practically everyone seems to know about.
source: bsdnow
Porting the ZFS file system to the FreeBSD operating system []
2017-01-07 23:50
Couple notes about ZFS with some highlights of differences between FreeBSD and Solaris kernels.
source: bsdnow