firefox's low-latency webassembly compiler []
2020-03-26 20:45
The goals of high throughput and low latency conflict with each other. To get best throughput, a compiler needs to spend time on code motion, register allocation, and instruction selection; to get low latency, that’s exactly what a compiler should not do. Web browsers therefore take a two-pronged approach: they have a compiler optimized for throughput, and a compiler optimized for latency. As a WebAssembly file is being downloaded, it is first compiled by the quick-and-dirty low-latency compiler, with the goal of producing machine code as soon as possible. After that “baseline” compiler has run, the “optimizing” compiler works in the background to produce high-throughput code. The optimizing compiler can take more time because it runs on a separate thread. When the optimizing compiler is done, it replaces the baseline code. (The actual heuristics about whether to do baseline + optimizing (“tiering“) or just to go straight to the optimizing compiler are a bit hairy, but this is a summary.)
This article is about the WebAssembly baseline compiler in Firefox. It’s a surprising bit of code and I learned a few things from it.
source: HN