A Deep Dive Into Samsung's TrustZone
https://blog.quarkslab.com/a-deep-dive-into-samsungs-trustzone-part-1.html [blog.quarkslab.com]
2020-01-24 07:46
After a general introduction on the ARM TrustZone and a focus on Qualcomm’s implementation, this new series of articles will discuss and detail the implementation developed by Samsung and Trustonic.
These blog posts are a follow up to the conference Breaking Samsung’s ARM TrustZone that was given at BlackHat USA this summer. While an event such as this one is a great opportunity to present a subject we have been working on, many details have to be overlooked to fit the 50-minute format. This blog post, and the following ones, will explain all the details that were missing from the presentation as well as release the different tools mentioned in the talk and developed along the way.
source: green