Tethered jailbreaks are back
https://blog.trailofbits.com/2019/09/27/tethered-jailbreaks-are-back/ [blog.trailofbits.com]
2019-09-28 20:00
checkm8 exploits the Boot ROM to allow anyone with physical control of a phone to run arbitrary code. The Boot ROM, also called the Secure ROM, is the first code that executes when an iPhone is powered on and cannot be changed, because it’s “burned in” to the iPhone’s hardware. The Boot ROM initializes the system and eventually passes control to the kernel. It’s the root of trust for the trusted boot chain of iOS and verifies the integrity of the next stage of the boot process before passing execution control.
Detailed writeup: https://habr.com/en/company/dsec/blog/472762/
source: white