Write Fuzzable Code
https://blog.regehr.org/archives/1687 [blog.regehr.org]
2019-08-21 03:48
Fuzzing is sort of a superpower for locating vulnerabilities and other software defects, but it is often used to find problems baked deeply into already-deployed code. Fuzzing should be done earlier, and moreover developers should spend some effort making their code more amenable to being fuzzed.
This post is a non-comprehensive, non-orthogonal list of ways that you can write code that fuzzes better. Throughout, I’ll use “fuzzer” to refer to basically any kind of randomized test-case generator, whether mutation-based (afl, libFuzzer, etc.) or generative (jsfunfuzz, Csmith, etc.). Not all advice will apply to every situation, but a lot of it is sound software engineering advice in general. I’ve bold-faced a few points that I think are particularly important.