Smoothsort Demystified []
2019-01-28 06:52
A few years ago I heard about an interesting sorting algorithm (invented by the legendary Edsger Dijkstra) called smoothsort with great memory and runtime guarantees. Although it is a comparison sort and thus on average cannot run faster than Ω(n lg n), smoothsort is an adaptive sort, meaning that if the input is somewhat sorted, smoothsort will run in time closer to O(n) than O(n lg n). In the best case, when the input is sorted, smoothsort will run in linear time. Moreover, smoothsort is an in-place sorting algorithm, and requires O(1) auxiliary storage space. Compare this to mergesort, which needs O(n) auxiliary space, or quicksort, which needs O(lg n) space on average and O(n) space in the worst case. In the worst case, smoothsort is an asymptotically optimal O(n lg n) sort. With all these advantages, smoothsort seemed like an excellent sort to code up and add to my archive of interesting code project, and I set out to learn enough about it to build my own implementation.
Unfortunately, I quickly found out that smoothsort is one of the least-documented sorts on the web. Sure, you can find many sites that mention smoothsort or its runtime characteristics, and in a few cases sites that provide an implementation, but hardly any sites explained the full intuition behind how the sort worked or where the runtime guarantees came from. Moreover, Dijkstra’s original paper on smoothsort is extremely difficult to read and gives little intuition behind some of the trickier optimizations. After spending a few days reading over existing sites and doing a bit of my own work, I finally managed to figure out the intuition behind smoothsort, as well as the source of many of the complex optimizations necessary to get smoothsort working in constant space. It turns out that smoothsort is actually a generalization of heapsort using a novel heap data structure. Surprisingly, I haven’t found this structure mentioned anywhere on the web, and this page may be the first time it’s been mentioned online.
source: HN